Desafio 2030 Website
Create a website with a specific, modern, simple, and futuristic design, featuring a visually pleasing color palette. The site will incorporate numerous animated elements to inject dynamism and movement into the content.
Our priority is to convey information clearly and transparently to the user, thoroughly explaining the purpose and objectives of the site. We aim to develop a website tailored for the business environment, consistently portraying a professional image and corporate communication tone while remaining accessible to the public.O Projeto Desafio 2030 será desenvolvido com o patrocínio do BEM - Banco de Empresas Montepio.
Promovido pela Fundação AEP, o projeto destina-se a contribuir para o desenvolvimento da competitividade nacional através:
➡️ Da promoção da importância da partilha de conhecimento científico e tecnológico entre Instituições de Ensino Superior e Empresas
➡️ Da difusão de boas práticas e de casos de sucesso na partilha de conhecimento científico e tecnológico na sociedade portuguesa.
O Projeto Desafio 2030 conta com o Alto Patrocínio de Sua Excelência, o Presidente da República.
We specialize in crafting visually stunning websites with thoughtfully curated layouts and color schemes, ensuring every aspect caters to the needs of our clients and provides users with accurate information.
Our website designs are decoupled using Node, Nuxt, and Vue, leveraging the GSAP framework for dynamic animations and Tailwind CSS for a sleek user interface. By adhering to the best practices of and prioritizing accessibility, we guarantee optimal speed and performance, enhancing our ranking on search engines.
Project made in 4 months, from scratch to roll out.
- Google Analytics
- Facebook Pixel
Frontend Frameworks:
- Vue.js
- Nuxt.JS
- Recapcha
Programming Languages:
- Node
UI Frameworks:
- Tailwind CSS
- Open Graph
- Webpack -Swipper -Core-js
Backoffice/Admin: Drupal 9